Proposed Amendment to the Bylaws of Region 15:

Section 2. The Executive Committee shall meet at least three times annually twice a year at a time and place designated by the Regional Vice President

I am proposing an amendment to the Region 15 Bylaws, Article VI, which mandates that the Executive Committee meet three times a year. My proposal is that the Executive Committee meet twice a year because:
1. The agenda for the winter meeting of the Executive Board traditionally has consisted of club and committee reports. These reports are duplicated at the Spring and Fall meetings and published twice a year in the Region 15 Bulletin. The winter meeting seems to be redundant.
2. The Bylaws currently in place were adopted in 1998, well before the ease of using email and video conferencing. Most of what has been discussed at recent winter meetings could be easily shared via email. Back in 1998 it was necessary to meet in person.
3. The elimination of the winter meeting would save the Region 15 treasury those expenses associated with the winter meeting.
4. It is a long distance to the winter meeting for the Executive Board members who must travel from Prescott, Tucson and Lompoc. The winter meeting rarely lasts longer than a couple of hours making a one way drive of six to eight hours not very time efficient.
5. In the event a meeting of the Executive Board is necessary, section 3 in Article VI would give the RVP the power to call a special meeting at any time.
According to Article X, the bylaws can be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present at a regular meeting, provided all members have been mailed a printed copy of the proposed amendments fifteen days prior to voting. I would like have this issue on the agenda at the Fall meeting.


Claire Schneider
San Diego Iris Society

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